CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 9.0.2320 | 60MB
Company CyberLink has released a new version of its popular media player. Update this release is associated mainly with the support of new audio and video formats that have emerged in the industry for the last time, for example now in the player appeared in AVCHD and Blu-ray.In PowerDVD 9 also has a new built-cataloguer films.
Community PowerDVD 9.0.2320 can use the Movie Collection, to create its own database of films, add to it information on the disks, reviews, ratings, etc.You can then share that information with other users of the program, there is a special service MoovieLive. In addition to the standard features present in the products of competitors, PowerDVD 9 can boast special "chips", such as option Movie Remixes. With this option, users can cut liked scenes from movies and save them as video files. For the newly saved video files, you can add animated graphics, titles, audio overlay.
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